The frontispiece is a painting called The Birth of Venus by William Bouguereau – 1879.
For a discussion of the Divine Feminine, let us begin with a discussion of Virgo.
The Virgin is the symbol of Virgo. This represents the Immaculate Conception and Wisdom.
From The Pulse of Life by Dane Rudhyar:
“There is a tradition that the sign of Virgo carries the symbol of the Sphinx, which has the body of a lion and the head of a virgin, two beings in one. In this sign one learns technique and repolarization of the emotions. A technique is a method based on fundamental principles which when applied enables a person to perform his work with ease and in the shortest time possible. Technique must be learned from a master of technique by serving as an apprentice. One must be keen in discrimination. One must be pure. Technique means a method to eliminate all impurities. Technique is thus based on purity. Thus self-purification is the essential means to technical mastery. Mankind must become again a virgin.
The other aspect of Virgo is emotional re-polarization. Power and purity are polarized toward the fulfillment of purpose and destiny. Re-organize your desires, re-polarize your emotions, re-orient your impulses. Your energies are not yours; they are life’s. You hold them in trust for humanity as a whole. Be sure they serve a purpose greater than your littleness, greater even than home and family. Consecrate them to the Greater Whole. Virgo is thus the realm of devotion and spiritual discipleship, the realm of service and willing sacrifice”.
From Rabbi Shapiro in The Divine Feminine:
“Wisdom is the first of God’s creations, the Way that precedes the Wayfarer, the Word that precedes the speaker. Wisdom is the Hebrew Mother, Chochmah, who becomes the Greek Son, Logos, in the Gospel according to John: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God, all things were made through him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.”
From The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols & Sacred Objects by Barbara G. Walker:
The Greek Sophia is the spirit of Female Wisdom. Wisdom gives birth to Faith, Hope and Charity. Sophia was the Virgin of Light, the Sacred Fire Essence, whose spirit entered into the body of Mary to conceive Jesus. She was the Mother of the seven planetary spirits.
From Dialogues with a Modern Mystic by Andrew Harvey and Mark Matousek:
In manifesting the world, Tao becomes the universal Mother. In the knowledge of the Mother is the knowledge of her children. And this childhood being known, there is access to the Mother. Tao-Te-Ching Lao-Tzu. The Tao has several translations, the Way, the Truth, the Means and the End.
A short story:
A young man asked the Holy Man each day, “How do I obtain Wisdom?” On the third day the Holy Man told the young man to go into the river. The Holy Man went out into the river and pushed the young man under the water for a long time. Finally, the Holy Man let the young man come up out of the water, grasping for air. The Holy Man asked, “What did you most desire when you were under the water?” The young man said, “Air, Air.” The Holy Man said, “When you desire Wisdom as much as you just desired air, you will gain Wisdom.”
The feminine nature is the receptive nature. When you are using your intuition you are using your feminine nature.
The feminine is the feeling nature. Then when we talk the Divine Feminine, are we talking about our own Divine Feminine nature of our own Divine Self.
We were initially androgynous, before we were separated into male and female.
Manly P. Hall said, “Half our being became male or female the other half was devoted to the intellect.”
We will again in the next root race be androgynous.
Since we come once as female and the next time as male, our soul is androgynous.
Ledbetter says of the sixth root race that we will each be androgynous and give birth to our own children.
From the Blessed Virgin by Corine Heline:
“Madonna and Child symbolize the birth of the Christ consciousness within man. The feminine typifies an awakened and illumined soul and the Christ consciousness can be born only in one who has so attained.
The Christ child is born within each of us each year. The fundamental occult process of the Immaculate Conception may be found in The Blessed Virgin Mary by Corinne Heline.
It was the eternal Madonna impress upon the Akashic Records that St. John saw in his sublime vision and which he described as the Woman clothed in the Sun with the Moon under her feet and crowned with the glory of the twelve stars, representing the celestial circle of the zodiacal Heirachies.
Pisces – home of the Earth’s Master Teachers
Aquarius – home of the angels
Capricorn – home of the archangels
Sagittarius – the Lords of Mind
Scorpio – Lords of Form
Libra – Lords of Individuality
Virgo – Lords of Wisdom
Leo – Lords of Flame (light and love)
Cancer – home of the cherubim
Gemini – home of the Seraphim
Taurus – which holds the pattern of all earthly form
Aries – a Fire Hierarchy holds the secret of all life”
Paracelsus states that every constellation is within man. The Sun is in the heart and the other planets are within the brain.
For modern man the true significance of the Christmas Season lies in the birth of the Christ Consciousness within himself. From Astrological point of view, Birth of a Savior on December 25th corresponds to the date of birth of the new sun.
In every instance nations have been sent a high Initiate in feminine form who was to become the mother of a Master Teacher of the age. There has been a holy birth preceded by an angelic annunciation and an Immaculate Conception (not a Miraculous Conception). The feminine Master for Egypt bore the name Isis, she who gave birth on December 25th to the Holy Babe Horus. This scene has been repeated in India, China, Scandinavia, Egypt, Greece, and Persia and by the Aztecs and the Druids.
The Miraculous Conception is the supposed conception of the child Jesus without the agency of a mortal father, by the direct power of God, whereas the Immaculate Conception refers to the pure and Immaculate Conception of Mary herself by her Holy parents, Joachim and Hanna or Anna.
The mother of Hanna was the daughter of noble parents who were Levites, belonging to the priesthood. Her name was Faustina. She had a vision that the seventh daughter of her daughter Hanna shall bring forth the Blessed Moon.
Hanna is to be more highly esteemed than gold or silver. She is more beautiful than the Sun and the Moon. No woman can be compared to her for grace, beauty or majesty. She is more honorable than any other woman because she gave birth to the Virgin Mary.
Both Joachim and Hanna were Initiates of the Essenes. Joachim was a High Priest. While in her garden, attuned to Initiate consciousness the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Hanna and said: Peace be unto thee, Oh woman. Fear not, for thou hast found mercy with the Lord, and behold thou shalt conceive and bring forth a daughter, and thou shalt call her name Mary; from her shall spring the Light of Creation and Him for whom the world waits.
To Joachim, who went into the desert, the Angel of Annunciation appeared saying: Rise up oh Son of David and go to thy house . . . the Lord has been gracious to thy wife Hanna.
Mary was conceived while Hanna smelled a rose. Mary was born in September under the sign of Virgo.
The influence of the holy child permeated all her mother’s aura. So potent to bless were the mighty auric emanations of the blessed Virgin when she was as yet scarce upon the threshold of the world of mortal men. Wherever Hanna entered she was preceded by a great light.
Like all master souls who come consciously into incarnation for a specific purpose, Mary was in complete possession of all her faculties from birth.
From earliest infancy Mary bore the soul signature of love and compassion.
She was taught by her Initiate-parents who understood from their own angelic Teachers the high destiny awaiting their daughter.
When Mary was three years old her parents chose seven maidens, neophytes in the holy Mysteries, to accompany the virgin to Jerusalem, where she was presented at the Temple.
When Mary arrived at the portals of the Temple, she heard a voice from Heaven bidding her welcome, and her entire being flamed with radiance. Mary climbed the steps alone and entered within where she was greeted by the ten resident maidens and the holy woman, Ann the prophetess, whose work it was to supervise and direct the lives of those young Temple neophytes. Mary’s teachers did not include only those in physical embodiment; she had been in conscious contact with Angels from her birth.
The High Priest choose the priest Zadok to teach Mary and said, The Lord hath prepared for you a daughter, that is to say, Mary; guard ye her diligently and teach her to go in and to come out of the Temple of the Lord. “To go in and to go out of the Temple” is, as commonly know among esotericist, a phrase which has reference to the liberation of the ego from the body in Initiation, a process which makes it possible for the individual to visit the Temple “not made with hands,” namely the inner planes of life and being.
From The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors by Kersey Graves (Extracted from Anacalypsis by Godfrey Higgions.)
Mary was held to be a Virgin even after she had given birth to Jesus brothers James and John.
In the case of Mayence, virgin-mother of the God-sired Hesus of the Druids, the ancient traditions of the country, more than two thousand years old, represent her body as being enveloped in light, and a crown of twelve stars upon her head, corresponding exactly to the apocalyptic figure described by the mystagogue, St. John, in the twelfth chapter of Revelations. She is also represented with her foot on the head of the serpent, according to Davie’s “Universal Etymology.”
From Return of the Dove by Margaret Storm:
“Mary was a Twin Flame of Archagel Raphael. She trained for thousands of years on the Inner Planes before she was finally offered the great cosmic assignment of becoming the perfect mother of the perfect human child, Jesus.
Mother and Son trained together in Egypt for their Ascensions, supervised by the great Adept, Serapis Bey, Hierarch of the Ascension Flame at Luxor. The training was rigorous for Jesus was to be crucified and Mary had agreed to assist Him by standing at the foot of the Cross and holding for Him the Immaculate Concept of God-Perfection, while He held the suspended breath and at the same time withdrew His consciousness from His body and permitted the flesh to take on an appearance of lifelessness.
Together at Luxor, Mary and Jesus had learned how to suspend the breath for long periods and yet to resume breathing when They willed to do so.”
From my spiritual friend Grace Godwin:
Two laser beams come from God, one of Light and one of Love. When they join, a pulse of ecstasy from God’s being ness expresses ISIS. The maleness and the femaleness of God join in the Immaculate Conception.
From The Miracle of Birth, A Clairvoyant Study of Prenatal Birth by Geoffrey Hodson:
From Clairvoyant vision, Geoffrey Hodson writes: Mary is radiant and beautiful beyond description, and shone forth as the incarnation of perfect womanhood, the apotheosis of beauty, love and tenderness. The glory of divinity is all about her. A glowing happiness, an ecstasy of spiritual joy, shines through her wondrous eyes. In spite of the intensity of her exaltation her gaze is soft and tender, and in some way full of the happy laughter of children and the deep and calm contentment of maturity.
Her splendid aura of soft yet brilliant hues form a shining halo of glory all about her, veiling and yet revealing her immortal loveliness. Deep blue, silvery white, rose, golden yellow, and the soft green of young leaves in spring flow continually throughout her lovely auric in wave on wave of color and of living light. And ever and anon her rich deep blue pervades the whole, lit up by stars and bright gleams of silvery hue.
The guardian angels are her servants and her messengers. Through them she has been present from the very first guarding both mother and child. Her peace, her love and deep compassion enfolded them, drawn forth by the approaching sacrament of motherhood, the mystery of birth. Now that the time of delivery was approaching she came so near that her angel servants resembled her as more and more of her life force and consciousness became manifested in and through them. Day by day she drew nearer until the presentation took place in her actual Presence.
In addition to the help which her Presence gives to the egos of both mother and child at all levels, and the harmonizing and calming influences which it exhales, she watches closely the mental and emotional changes of the mother, entering with her all the experiences which she passes, even sharing her pains. At the same time she helps to increase those expansions of consciousness which come in some degree to every mother during the period of her sacrificial act.
From Being & Vibration by Joseph Rael:
“The metaphor of the Corn Maiden explains the concept of awareness: A young Indian woman stands confidently in a corn field. The gentle breath of the Infinite blows a few loose strands of her silken, long, black, braided hair of the Infinite Void. Her graceful body is clothed in the muted tones of buckskin; of the cover of wisdom it is made. A necklace is fastened around her neck, made of intricate bead work and glistening silver; this is the place of the upper and middle worlds. On her feet are a pair carefully hand-stitched moccasins, made of descending light, which are tied neatly with strips of rawhide, made of perpetual vigilance. In her hand she holds a planting stick, sharply pointed on one end. Her eyes turn downward and she examines the soil beneath, over which water now flows. She bends ever so slightly, and with her stick she probes the earth.
The woman is the symbol of co weh, the vibration that brings everything beautiful together in one place. It brings together the North, the South, the East and the West, the up above, and the down below. The dress she wears is the oh oh nee, insight, the capacity to hear the sounds of innocence that come under constant review. The necklace is the metaphor of the connection between the earth and the sky, of connecting thinking with feeling. She looks at water, the crystallized light but also heart serum, that which comes from the sacred heart of the innermost place of enlightenment of God’s greatness. Because the stick has point, the moment she pokes it into the soil, she penetrates wisdom, which is ready to erupt and flood forth with awareness.”
While beyond the intent of this presentation, you will find it very interesting to read the wisdom of White Buffalo Calf Woman in Return of the Bird Tribes by Ken Carey.
Divine Feminine
Recommended Book List
The Blessed Virgin Mary, Her Life and Mission by Corinne Heline
The Aztec Virgin, The Secret Mystical Tradition of Our Lady of Guadalupe by John Mini
Woman, The Mother of All Living, A Lecture by Manly P. Hall
Man and Woman and Child by Harold W. Perceival
Shaken Creeds, The Virgin Birth Doctrine by Jocelyn Rhys
She, Understanding Feminine Psychology by Robert A. Johnson
The Wounded Woman, Healing the Father-Daughter Relationship by Linda Schierse Leonard
The Pulse of Life by Dane Rudhyar
Return of the Dove by Margaret Storm
Medicine Women, Curanderas, and Women Doctors by Bobette Perrone, H. Henrietta Stockel and Victoria Krueger
The Divine Feminine in Biblical Wisdom Literature by Rabbi Rami Shapiro
The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors by Kersey Graves
Being and Vibration by Joseph Rael
The Women of Israel, Characters and Sketches from Holy Scriptures and Jewish History by Grace Aguilar
The Miracle of Birth by Geoffrey Hodson
The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols & Sacred Objects by Barbara G. Walker
Three Remarkable Women by Harold Balyoz
Male & Female, A Study of the Sexes in a Changing World by Margaret Mead
The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets by Barbara G. Walker
Return of the Bird Tribe by Ken Carey

HEDIN DAUBENSPECK is the author of Pony Ride to an Awakening– a memoir about his spiritual journey to enlightenment. He speaks and teaches to followers around the world through his social media channels.
Hedin is president of Winning Hand Corporation, a brokerage firm, and is also a certified public accountant. His public accounting practice serves entrepreneurial businesses and individuals.